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Top Gun Options
Intermediate Test Flight
Try Our FT Offensive (WO, PLTB, AYT, UA) For 7 Days For Only $28
No One Can Do It For You. Get Airborne Today.
Get access to two of our model portfolios and much more!
Urgent Alerts & Weekly Options
(UA & WO)
86% Gain 2016 YTD
Primary Live Trade Briefs
93.7% Gain 2016 YTD
Here's what you'll get when you start your Intermediate Test Flight
Primary Live Trade Brief ($115 Value)
Literally look over the shoulder of a professional trader for 90 minutes of live trading in the market during our weekly Live Trade Brief. You will discover exactly how and why each trade is chosen and how the pros ride it for the highest profit potential or bailout for minimum loss.

One weekly live training session every Tuesday afternoon from 1-230 eastern, longer term trades (front month and 2 years out) placed and managed in $100,000 model portfolio paper trading account, new trades and adjustments sent out via text and email. Managed by Whiz.

Weekly Options (WO) Value: $2,495/yr
One weekly live training session every Monday morning from 13:00-13:30, approximately 1-3 new tactical weekly options trades added to model portfolio, new trades and adjustments sent out via text and email. Managed by Whiz.

Urgent Alerts ($95 Value)
These trade alerts are mapped out using our proprietary 7 step trade plan process. They're delivered at the EXACT moment our team identifies them, along with the Strategic, Operational, and Tactical aspects to ensure the trade sees maximum potential profitability.  
Trades include front month, long term and hedges that are placed and managed in $100,000 model portfolio paper trading account, new trades and adjustments sent out via text and email. $100,000 model portfolio/paper trading account. Managed by Whiz.

Analyze Your Trade
Wrap up the week with Whiz Thursdays at 1 pm EST. Whiz will go over new trades as well as answer any questions about other trades from the week
Options Pocket Check List ($45 Value)
The Options Pocket Checklist, or OPCL for short, is a must have for every retail options trader. Just as an aviator has checklists that they live by, so do Top Gun Options traders. The OPCL includes our proprietary planning guide and breaks down over 35 tactics into the critical information you need to win in the combat of options trading. The tactics are broken down by skill level: Primary, Intermediate, and Advanced.
Primary Workbook ($55 Value)
The Primary Training Workbook is 198 pages of great content and is perfect for people who are brand new to options, or who want to brush up on the basics. In the Primary Manual we cover: 

Options Chains, Moneyness, Intrinsic and Time Value, Factors Affecting the Price of an Option, Premium, The Greeks, Volatility, Trade Planning, Long Calls, Long Puts, Protective Puts, Cash Secured Puts, and Covered Calls. There are also quizzes to test your knowledge as you progress through the lessons.
Intermediate Workbook ($65)
The Intermediate Training Workbook is where we push it up a notch and get some airspeed on the jet. You should have a working knowledge of options before employing the Intermediate manual. Here the following tactics are covered in detail: 

Synthetic Long Stock, Synthetic Short Stock, Short Calls, Short Puts, Bull Call Spreads, Bear Call Spreads, Bear Put Spreads, Bull Put Spreads, Calendar Spreads, and Collars. There are also quizzes to test your knowledge as you progress through the lessons.
$375 Value for ONLY $28
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Contact our Client Counselor
Primary Live Trade Brief
Live trading with a professional options trader managing his model portfolio
Urgent Alerts
Weekly trade alert sent out via text and email in 7 step proprietary trade plan
100% No Questions Guarantee
You can cancel your trial at any time in the next 7 days and will not be rebilled.
Extra Tools
You'll get access to Top Gun Options interactive Ready Room forum
Copyright © 2020 | Top Gun Options | All rights reserved
If you choose to cancel during your trial period, your subscription will be cancelled immediately and will not receive a prorated refund.  If you do not cancel within the 7-day period, you will conveniently be renewed automatically into the Top Gun Options Intermediate Bundle for a monthly subscription of $245 per month. If you have any questions, contact us.